THE NEW COLLECTION “PETRUS FOR HER” – Limited offer for Vicenzaoro Kefa is […]
These magnificent, precious and centuries old Coats of Arms represented in the clock face and in the back of the watch, give a deep value to the binding between the Holy See and Pope, between Christianity and humanity, among divulgers of faith and sacred texts.
This exclusive reliance honors us and we deeply feel the responsibility to pass on to future generations the importance and the strength of these historical symbols.
THE NEW COLLECTION “PETRUS FOR HER” – Limited offer for Vicenzaoro Kefa is […]
Did the watch or the company that produces it come about first? […]
Holding a Petrus piece in hands, one cannot fail to notice the […]
It is not easy for those who are new to the watchmaking […]
For Carmelo Caruso and Gianluigi Di Lorenzo, the founders of KEFA, the […]
KEFA finds its roots in an exceptional space, which tells us of Peter’s strong faith, within deep meditation about the time of the earthly life projected towards the divine time.
Values, history and symbols become solidarity: an initiative also aimed at raising funds to support charitable activities.
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